Ralf Schindler
Full Professor (C4) of Set Theory
Einsteinstr. 62
Münster, F.R.G.
e-mail: rds
at uni-muenster dot de
(with the "at" replaced by "@,"
and the "dot" replaced by a dot)
+49-251-83-33790 or +49-251-83-33761
fax: +49-251-83-33078
Erdös #:
2; Research interest: set theory.
n.V. und per zoom
See also here.
- Logische
Grundlagen der Mathematik, Springer--Verlag 2009.
- Set
theory. Exploring independence and truth,
332+x pp., Springer--Verlag 2014. You may order
it here
or here.
Here is Schindler's list of errata, updated on Jan 26, 2021.
- (with
John Steel) The core model induction (version as of April 12, 2013,
with a correct proof of the existence of A-iterable
mice): PDF.
- (with
Mateo Wuttig, Luisa Degen, Alissa Fock, Yorick Fuhrmann, Lena Heidenreich, Alea Hofstetter, Kai Käfer, Tessa Kammermeier, Ingmar Kindermann, Linus Kulmann, Lisa Laun, Sandra Müller, Paul Stephan, Klaus Stier, and Todor Stoyanov) To Infinity and Beyond.
The Continuum Problem in Modern Set Theory
, actively written .
Research papers:
- Prädikative Klassen, Erkenntnis 39 (1993),
pp. 209–241.
- A
Dilemma in the Philosophy of Set Theory, Notre Dame Journal of Formal
Logic 35 (1994), pp. 458–463. PDF
- Weak
Covering at Large Cardinals, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43
(1997), pp. 22–28.
- On
a Chang Conjecture, Israel Journal of Mathematics 99 (1997), pp.
- The
core model up to one strong cardinal, Bonner Mathematische
Schriften Nr. 295
- On
a Chang Conjecture II, Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (1998),
pp. 215–220.
- Successive
weakly compact or singular cardinals, Journal of Symb.
Logic 64 (1999), pp. 139–146.
- Weak
covering and the tree property, Archive for Mathematatical
Logic 38 (1999), pp. 515–520.
- (joint
with M. Foreman and M. Magidor) The consistency
strength of successive cardinals with the tree property, Journal of
Symbolic Logic 66 (2001), pp. 1837–1847.
- (joint
with K. Hauser) Projective uniformization
revisited, Annals of Pure and Appl. Logic 103 (2000), pp. 109–153.
by sciencedirect.
- Strong
cardinals and sets of reals in L_{\omega_1}(R), Mathematical
Logic Quarterly 45 (1999), pp. 361–369. PDF.
- Coding
into K by reasonable forcing, Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc 353 (2000), pp. 479 - 489. PS.
- (joint
with S. Friedman) Universally Baire sets and
definable well-orderings of the reals, Journal of Symbolic Logic 68
(2003), pp. 1065 - 1081. PS, PDF.
- (joint
with J. Steel and M. Zeman) Deconstructing inner
model theory, Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2002), pp. 721 - 736. PS,
- Proper
forcing and remarkable cardinals, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6
(2000), pp. 176 - 184. PS, PDF.
- Proper
forcing and remarkable cardinals II, Journal of Symbolic Logic 66
(2001), pp. 1481- 1492. PS, PDF.
- The
core model for almost linear iterations, Annals of Pure and Appl. Logic 116 (2002), pp. 207 -
274. PS, PDF, PDF
by sciencedirect.
- Iterates
of the core model, Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (2006), pp.241-251.
- Mutual
stationarity in the core model, Proceedings of LC2001, in:
"Logic colloquium 01" (Baaz et al.,
eds., Lecture Notes in Logic 20, 2005), pp.386-401. PS,
- (joint
with Th. Räsch) A new condensation
principle, Archive for Math. Logic 44 (2005), pp.159-166. PS, PDF.
- Forcing
axioms and projective sets of reals, Proceedings of FotFS
III, in: "Classical and new paradigms of computation and their
complexity hierarchies" (Löwe et al.,
eds., Kluwer 2004), pp.207-222. PS, PDF.
- P ≠ NP for infinite
time Turing machines, Monatshefte für
Mathematik 139 (4) (2003), pp.335-340. PS, PDF. PDF
by Springer.
- (joint
with B. Mitchell) A universal extender model without large cardinals in V,
J. Symb. Logic 69 (2004), pp. 371-386.
- (joint with M. Gitik and S. Shelah), Pcf theory and
Woodin cardinals, Proceedings of LC2002 (Chatzidakis
et al., eds.), Lecture Notes in Logic 27, pp. 172-205. PS, PDF.
- (joint
with P. Koepke) Homogeneously Souslin sets in small inner models, Archive for
Math. Logic 45 (2006), pp.53-61. PS, PDF.
- (joint
with J. Hamkins and V. Deolalikar) P ≠ NP ∩ coNP for infinite
time Turing machines, Journal of Logic and Computation 15 (2005),
pp. 577-592. PS.
- (joint
with M. Zeman) Fine structure theory, a chapter
for the Handbook of Set Theory (Foreman, Kanamori,
Magidor, eds.), Springer-Verlag
2009. PS, PDF. Here is a complete proof of Lemma 6.8.
- Semi-proper
forcing, remarkable cardinals, and Bounded Martin's Maximum, Mathematical
Logic Quarterly 50 (6) (2004), pp. 527 - 532. PS,
- Bounded
Martin's Maximum and strong cardinals, in: Set theory. Centre de recerca Matematica,
Barcelona 2003-4 (Bagaria, Todorcevic,
eds.), Basel 2006, pp. 401-406. PS,
- (with
A. Caicedo) Projective well-orderings of the
reals, Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2006), pp. 783-794. PS
- Core
models in the presence of Woodin cardinals, J. Symb.
Logic 71 (2006), pp. 1145-1154. PS, PDF.
- (with
J. Steel) The self-iterability of L[E], Journal of Symb. Logic 74 (2009), pp. 751-779.
- (with
G. Fuchs and I. Neeman) A criterion for coarse iterability, Archive Math. Logic 49 (2010), pp. 447-468.
- (with
R. Jensen, E. Schimmerling, and J. Steel)
Stacking mice, Journal of Symb. Logic 74 (2009), pp.315-335. PS, PDF.
- (with
B. Claverie) Increasing u2 by a
stationary set preserving forcing, Journal of Symb.
Logic 74 (2009), pp.187-200. PS, PDF.
- (with
D. Busche) The strength of choiceless
patterns of singular and weakly compact cardinals, Ann. Pure Appl.
Logic, 159 (2009), pp. 198-248. PDF.
- (with
P. Schlicht) Thin equivalence relations in
scaled pointclasses, Mathematical Logic
Quarterly 57, 6 (2011), pp. 615 -- 620. PDF
- (with
P. Doebler) Π2
consequences of BMM plus NS is precipitous and the semiproperness
of all stationary set preserving forcings, Math.
Res. Letters 16 (2009), no. 5, pp. 797 -- 815. PDF.
- (with
B. Claverie) Woodin's
axiom (*), bounded forcing axioms, and precipitous ideals on \omega_1, Jornal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2014), pp.
475 -- 498. PDF
- (with
G. Fuchs) Inner model theoretic geology, Journal Symb. Logic, Volume 81, Issue 3, September 2016, pp. 972-996.
- (with
P. Doebler) The extender algebra and vagaries of
absoluteness, Münster Journal of Mathematics 6 (2013), pp. 117
- 166. PDF
- (with
A. Caicedo, G. Sargsyan,
P. Larson, J. Steel, and M. Zeman) Square
principles in Pmax extensions, Israel
J. of Mathematics 217 (2017), pp. 231-261. PDF
- (with
D. Asperó) Bounded Martin's Maximum with an
asterisk, Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 55 (2014), pp. 333--348. PDF
- (with
C. Yong) Harrington's principle in higher order arithmetic, Journal of
Symbolic Logic 80, Issue 2 (June 2015), pp. 477-489. PDF
- (with
T. Hofweber) Hyperreal-valued probability measures approximating a
real-valued measure, Notre Dame J. of Formal Logic, Volume 57, Number 3 (2016), pp. 369-374.
- Remarkable
cardinals, in: Infinity, Computability, and Metamathematics (Geschke et
al., eds.), Festschrift celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and
Philip Welch, pp. 299-308. PDF
- (with
S. Müller and W.H. Woodin) Mice with finitely many Woodin cardinals
from optimal determinacy hypotheses, Journal of Mathematical Logic,
accepted to appear. PDF
- (with
S. Friedman and D. Schrittesser) Coding over core models, in: Infinity,
Computability, and Metamathematics (Geschke et al., eds.), Festschrift
celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and Philip Welch, pp.
167-182. PDF
- Woodin's
axiom (*), or Martin's Maximum, or both?,
in: Foundations of mathematics, essays in honor of W. Hugh Woodin's 60th birthday, Harvard University (Caicedo et al., eds.), 177-204. PDF
- (with
's. Rinot) Square with built-in diamond-plus, J. Symb. Logic, Volume 82, Issue 3 September
2017, pp. 809-833. PDF
- (with
J. Bagaria and V. Gitman) Remarkable cardinals, structural reflection, and
the weak Proper Forcing Axiom, Archive for
Math. Logic, Volume 56, Issue 1-2, 2017, pp. 1-20. PDF
- (with
Ph. Lücke and Ph. Schlicht) Lightface definable subsets of Hω2,
Journal Symb. Logic, Volume 82, Issue 3, September 2017, pp. 1106-1131. PDF
- (with
G. Fuchs) The solidity and non--solidity of initial segments of the core
model, Journal of Symb. Logic 83(3), 2018, pp. 920-938. PDF
- (with
G. Sargsyan) Varsovian models I, Journal of Symb. Logic 83 (2018), pp. 496-528. PDF
- (with
G. Sargsyan and F. Schlutzenberg) Varsovian models II, submitted. pdf
- The
long extender algebra, Archive for Math.
Logic 2018, Volume 57, Issue 1-2, pp 73-82. PDF
- (with
M. Beriashvili, L. Wu, and L. Yu) Hamel bases and well-ordering the
continuum, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), pp. 3565-3573. PDF.
- (with
T. Wilson) Universally Baire sets of reals and the perfect set property, pdf, Journal Symb. Logic, submitted.
- (with J. Brendle, F. Castiblanco,
L. Wu, and L. Yu) A model with everything except for a
well-ordering of the reals, pdf, Fund. Math., submitted.
There is a video of a talk by F. Castiblanco on this on youtube!
- (with
V. Gitman) Virtual large cardinals, pdf, LC 2015 proceedings volume (Åsa Hirvonen, Thomas Scanlon,
Jouko Väänänen,
Dag Westerståhl, eds.), Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
Volume 169, Issue 12, December 2018, pp. 1317-1334.
- (with
G. Fernandes) Tall cardinals in extender models, accepted for publication in the Notre Dame J. Formal Logic on Feb 25, 2021, pdf.
- (with
N. Barton, A. Caicedo, G. Fuchs, J. Hamkins, and J. Reitz) Inner-model reflection principles, pdf, Studia Logica 108 (2020), pp. 573-595.
- (with
F. Castiblanco) When is a given real
generic over L? pdf, MLQ,
accepted for publication on June 25, 2021.
- (with V. Kanovei) Definable Hamel bases and ACω(R), Fund. Math. 253 No. 3 (2021), pp.239-256
- From set
theoretic to inner model theoretic geology, to appear in
"Research Trends in Contemporary Logic," edited by A. Daghighi.
- (with D. Asperó) Martin's Maximum++ implies Woodin's Axiom (*) (final version as of March 18, 2021), Annals of Mathematics 193 (3) (2021), pp. 793-835.
- (with M. Beriashvili) Mazurkiewicz sets in the Cohen-Halpern-Levy model, Georgian Mathematical Journal 29 no. 3 (2022), pp.343-345
- (with S. Hoffelner, P. Larson, and L. Wu) Forcing axioms and definability of NSω1, accepted for publication in the Journal of Symb. Logic.
- (with T. Yasuda) Martin’s Maximum*,++c in Pmax extensions of
strong models of determinacy, submitted to the Journal of Symb. Logic.
Survey/historical papers:
- Wozu brauchen wir grosse
Kardinalzahlen? Mathematische Semesterberichte 53 (2006), pp. 65 -
80. PS, PDF
- Kurt
Gödel (1906-1878), DMV-Nachrichten
14 (2006), pp. 42 - 45; English translation: Newsletter of the European
Math. Society 62 (2006), pp. 29 - 31; Chinese translation: Mathematical
Advance in Translation, vol. no. 4 (2010), pp. 338--342.
- (with D. Asperó) Wieviele reelle Zahlen gibt es?, Mathematische Semesterberichte 70 (2023), pp. 1–-15.
Manuscript written by Ronald Jensen on fine structure,
inner model theory, and the core model below one Woodin cardinal
· (typed by Martina Pfeifer, Fabiana Castiblanco, Shervin Sorouri, and Taichi Yasuda, sponsored by anonymous donors): version as of March 19, 2024.
Individual sections of this manuscript my be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
and preprints
- Handwritten
script on the L hierarchy and the Jensen covering lemma (in German): Kap. 1, Kap. 2, Kap.
3, Kap. 4, Kap. 5, Kap. 6.
- The
Delfino problem # 12, handwritten, 50 pages.
(Talk at Bonn.) PDF. Link to Philipp Doebler's writeup of Steel's
solution to the 12th Delfino Problem: PDF.
- Link
to Benjamin Claverie's writeup of the Dodd--Jensen Covering Lemma below
0-dagger: PDF.
- (joint
with J. Steel) The strength of AD (contains an outline of Woodin's core model induction, new version as of
07/04/06), preprint. PS, PDF.
- A
note on an alleged proof of the relative consistency of P=NP with PA,
preprint. PS, PDF. Cf. also here
and there.
- A
simple proof of \Sigma^1_3 correctness of K, preprint. DVI,
- Sharps
and the \Sigma^1_3 correctness of K, preprint.DVI, PDF.
- From
Wadge comparability to determinacy, preprint. PDF.
- ACA_0,
Pi^1_1-CA_0, and the semantics of arithmetic, and BG, BG + Sigma^1_1-Ind,
and the semantics of set theory, 10/17/02, note. PS, PDF.
- (with
P. Schlicht) ZFC without parameters, PDF.
- Projective
sets and large cardinals, handwritten, 28 pages. (Talk at Kiel.) PDF.
- On
NS being saturated, new version as of Nov 13, 2021.
- Link
to Sandra Uhlenbrock's writeup of an account of Woodin's HOD conjecture
(in German): PDF.
- (with
B. Claverie) Ideal extenders, PDF.
- (with
G. Fuchs, E. Schimmerling, F. Schlutzenberg, S. Uhlenbrock, T. Wilson) A
weak (?) consequence of determinacy, PDF.
- (with
Mariam Beriashvili) Bernstein
sets don't give Vitali sets
, Luzin and Sierpiński sets in N, and Realizing [...] as a symmetric
model. PDF: Some pathological sets
in a special model of set theory.
- (with
Mariam Beriashvili) Bernstein set with a large
continuum but no axiom of choice.
- A ZFC-example of a forcing which is semi-proper but
not proper.
The citation [Cox] refers to a
posting by Sean Cox.
- A note on the reals of C*
- (with
Grigor Sargsyan and Farmer Schlutzenberg) Varsovian models, II (1st part), Varsovian models, II (2nd part), Varsovian models, II (3rd part),
Varsovian models, II (4th part),
Varsovian models, II (5th part),
Varsovian models, II (6th part),
models, II (appendix), Varsovian models, II
(appendix 2) .
- (with
Grigor Sargsyan) The number of Woodin cardinals in a core model.
- Bukowský and Varsovian models, Vopěnka and Balcar on generic extensions.
- The triangular embedding theorem
for L(R).
- A game theoretic characterization
of remarkable cardinals.
- (with
L. Wu and L. Yu) Hamel bases and the principle of dependent choice, preprint, PDF.
- Mazurkiewicz sets in the Cohen-Halpern-Levy model.
- A model with everything except for a well-ordering of the reals.
- Groszek
and Slaman on Prikry's problem.
(with Paul Larson and Liuzhen Wu) NSω1 is not Π1 definable, Addendum to "NSω1 is not Π1 definable".
- Sacks forcing preserves selective ultrafilters.
- A note on the < κ mantle.
- GCH and ⋄ in L[U].
- On a question of Xianghui Shi.
- A remark on a theorem by Chan-Jackson-Trang.
- HODL(R), Vopěnka, and Woodin's extender algebra.
- MAω1 implies NSω1 is not ω1-dense (A. Taylor).
- The extender algebra for mice without Woodin cardinals, remarks on a paper by S. Friedman.
- Notes from my Pmax course in 2021-22 which were produced by Azul Fatalini are available here.
- (with D. Asperó) Martin's Maximum is Π2complete.
- -CH and (*).
MODEL THEORY, edited jointly with John Steel.
- Links to a list of problems that was produced at
the AIM meeting "Recent advances in core model theory,"
organized by E. Schimmerling and J. Steel in Dec 13-17, 2004: PDF, PDF.
- List of problems that was produced by Per
Stinchcombe at the AIM meeting "Descriptive inner model theory,"
organized by R. Schindler and J. Steel in June 02-06, 2014: PDF.
- List of problems that was produced at the 1st Girona meeting on inner model theory,
organized by R. Schindler, J. Steel, and J. Vergés in July, 2018: PDF.
- List of problems that was produced at the Berkeley conference on inner model theory,
organized by R. Schindler and J. Steel in July, 2019: PDF.
Skripten zu Vorlesungen und Seminaren
- Lecture course on iterated forcing, notes taken by T. Yasuda: week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5.
- Skript zur Vorlesung "Logik 1", Version vom
03.04.2020: PDF-Datei. (Tipp-)Fehler bitte
an rds at math dot uni-muenster
dot de.
- Die auf dem
Hochschultag am 13.11.2014 verteilten Logikrätsel als PDF-Datei.
- Mein Hochschultagsvortrag vom 19.11.2020 über Hilberts Hotel und die Mathematische Logik auf youtube.
- Exercise sheets that came with my set theory course in 2020-21: no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 4, no. 5, no. 6, no. 7, no. 8, no. 9, no. 10.
Service activities
- Former
co-editor of the Journal
of Symbolic Logic (2008-2012).
Editor-in-chief of the Archive
for Mathematical Logic (2009-present).
- Co-editor
of the Ontos Verlag series in
Mathematical Logic (2013-present). Information for potential authors may be
downloaded here.
- Co-editor
of the Mathematische Semesterberichte.
- Secretary/Vice president of the European
Set Theory Society (2015-present).
- Former
editor of the Münster
Journal of Mathematics.
- Former
treasurer of the IUHPS/DLMPS
(International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science/Division of
Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science) (2008-2012)
- One
of the former chairmen of the DVMLG, the German
Logic Society (2008-2011).
- Organizer of our department's activity
at the annual open house event, the Hochschultag Münster, 2006-present.
- Member of the Mathematics Panel of the Czech Science Foundation, Apr 01, 2019-March 31, 2021. See here.
- Vertrauensdozent der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Fotos von einem Treffen mit meiner Stipendiatengruppe, 2006. 2007. 2008. Stockholm, 2009. Eiskeller Altenberge, 2017.
- Co-organizer
(with R. Jensen and M. Magidor) of a
mini-workshop in inner model theory, Apr 30 - May 06, 2006, Oberwolfach.
- Co-organizer
of the Logic Colloquium, July 27 - Aug 2, 2006, Nijmegen.
- Co-organizer
(with E.Schimmerling) of a mini-symposium in set
theory during the DMV meeting, Bonn, Sept 18-22, 06.
- Organizer
of the PohlersFest, July 17-19, 2008, Münster. Pictures!
- Co-organizer
of the 2nd European Set Theory Conference (Bedlewo,
Poland), July 6-10, 2009.
- Co-organizer
(with R. Jensen and M. Magidor) of a
mini-workshop in inner model theory, Nov 08 - 14, 2009, Oberwolfach.
- Co-organizer
(with J. Steel) of the 1st
conference on the core model induction and hod
mice in Münster, July 19 -- Aug 06, 2010.
- Co-organizer
of the Colloquium
Logicum, Münster, Sept 22-24, 2010.
- Co-organizer
(with J. Steel) of the 2nd
conference on the core model induction and hod
mice in Münster, Aug 08 -- Aug 19, 2011.
- Seminar im Rahmen der Sommerakademie
der Studienstiftung in Neubeuern 2013
- Co-organizer,
with J. Steel, of the Descriptive
inner model theory meeting at the American Institute of Mathematics, Palo
Alto, June 02-06, 2014.
- Co-organizer,
with J. Steel, of the Mitchell
fest, Berkeley, June 07-08, 2014.
- Co-organizer,
with J. Steel, of the Descriptive
inner model theory meeting, Berkeley, June 09-13, 2014.
- Co-organizer
of the 5th European Set
Theory Conference (Cambridge, England), Aug 24-28, 2015.
- Co-organizer
(with J. Steel) of the 3rd
Münster conference on inner model theory, the core model induction,
and hod mice, July 20 -- 31, 2015.
- Co-organizer
of the Logic Colloquium
2016, Leeds.
- Co-organizer
(with M. Magidor and J. Väänänen) of an Intensive
Research Program on "Large Cardinals and Strong Logics",
CRM, Bellaterra (Catalunya), Sept 05--Dec 16, 2016.
- Co-organizer
(with I. Farah, S. Friedman, and W.H. Woodin) of a workshop in set theory,
Oberwolfach, Feb 12--18, 2017.
- Co-organizer
(with J. Steel) of the 4th
Münster conference on inner model theory, July 17 -- Aug 01,
- Co-organizer
(with M. Magidor, J. Steel, and W.H. Woodin) of a set
theory conference, WWU Münster, Aug 02--Aug 04, 2017.
- Co-organizer
(with J. Steel and J. Vergés) of the 1st
Girona conference on inner model theory, July,
- Member of the scientific committee of the
Third International Conference "Modern Problems in Applied Mathematics," Tbilisi
, Sept,
- Co-organizer
(with J. Steel) of the
Berkeley conference on inner model theory, July,
- Co-organizer
(with I. Farah, D. Sinapova, and W.H. Woodin) of a workshop in set theory,
Oberwolfach, Apr 05--11, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Co-organizer
(with F. Schlutzenberg and J. Steel) of the
Münster conference on inner model theory, June 15-26,
2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Co-organizer
(with F. Schlutzenberg and J. Steel) of the
Münster conference on inner model theory, June 28-July 09,
2021. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Co-organizer
(with I. Farah, D. Sinapova, and W.H. Woodin) of a workshop in set theory,
Oberwolfach, Jan 09 -- 15, 2022.
- Co-organizer
(with F. Schlutzenberg and J. Steel) of the
Münster conference on inner model theory, June 20-July 01,
- Co-organizer
(with James Cummings, Noam Greenberg, Liang Yu, and Yang Yue) of a workshop at the IMS, Singapore, June 12-July 07, 2023.
- Co-organizer
(with Sandra Müller and John Steel) of an inner model theory workshop, Vianna, 2024.
- Co-organizer
(with Vera Fischer, Menachem Magidor, Christian Rosendal, Dima Sinapova [chair], and Philip Welch) of the 9th European Set Theory Conference, Münster, 2024.
- Co-organizer
(with Ilijas Farah, Dima Sinapova, and W. Hugh Woodin) of a set theory workshop at Oberwolfach, Jan 12-17, 2025.
- Diploma theses: Benjamin Claverie
(2005), Philipp Doebler (2006), Thilo Weinert (2008),
Philipp Lücke (2008), Dominik Adolf (2008), Marek Wyszkowski
(2009), Carsten Szardenings (2010), Jakob Rittberg (2010), Max Giersberg
(2010), Tobias Förster (2012), Max Temme (--), Barzin Hadjimoradi (2015).
- Bachelor's theses: Sandra Uhlenbrock
(2010), Jan Wulf (2010), Merle Erpenbeck (2011), Sabine Schneider (2011), Christof Beierle (2012), Eike Bunn (2012), Momme
Steffen (2012), Marvin Landwehr (2012), Jonas Fox (2013), Stefan Miedzianowski (2013), Maximilian Gievert
(2013), Patrick Aguilar (2018), Benjamin Reuting (2014), Kolja Hartmann
(2015), Lennart Holtkötter (--), Martin Stückemann (2016),
Franziska Popp (2016), Robin Puchalla (2016), Robin Graeber (2016),
Claudia Giesen (2016), Simon Dröge (2016), Sebastian Greve (2016), Kira Sielenkämper (2019), Necip-Soner Bölükbas (--), Philipp Kretschmer (2021), Doreen Töns (2021), Mirko Bartsch (2022), Thea Schäfer (2022), Aron Rupperath (2022, 2nd referee), Mathis Brüggemann (2023), Leon Glünsing (2024).
- Master's
theses: Sandra Uhlenbrock
(2012), Eike Bunn (2016), Momme
Steffen (2014), Marvin Landwehr (2016), Stefan Miedzianowski
(2016), Jonas Fox (2018), Robin Graeber (2019), Robin
Puchalla (2020), Markus Poehler (2019), Claudia Giesen (2020), Manuel Fiedler (2021), Jan Kruschweski (2021), Kira Sielenkämper (2021), Karl Westphal (2023), Shervin Sorouri (2023), Taichi Yasuda (2024).
Ph.D. students
- Dr. Dominik Adolf (finished in 2013), until recently PostDoc at the Department of Mathematics,
Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan (Israel)
- Dr. Daniel
Busche (DFG project no.
SCHI 484/2-2, "Anwendungen der Theorie der Kernmodelle in der
Kardinalzahlarithmetik (bzw. pcf-Theorie)",
finished in 2007)
- Dr. Benjamin Claverie (DFG project no. SCHI
484/3-1, "Anwendungen der Theorie der inneren Modelle auf Fragen der
Absolutheit und Korrektheit", finished in
- Dr. Fabiana Castiblanco, finished in 2018
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Doebler
(DFG project no. SCHI 484/3-1,
"Anwendungen der Theorie der inneren Modelle auf Fragen der
Absolutheit und Korrektheit", finished in
2010). Now professor in Dortmund.
- Azul Fatalini, started Nov 01, 2020.
- Prof. Dr. Daisuke Ikegami (University of Amsterdam,
finished in 2010), now at Institute of Logic and Cognition, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (China).
- Dr. Marios Koulakis (MALOA project), finished in 2015, now Data Scientist and Engineer at Nulogy, TranQuant Inc., ASD, Toronto (Canada)
- Dr. Andreas Lietz (finished in 2023, winner of the Sacks Prize for the most outstanding dissertation in mathematical logic), now PostDoc at TU Wien (Austria)
- Dr. Philipp Lücke (DFG project no. SCHI 484/4-1, "The interplay between algebra
and logic", SFB 878, finished in 2012), now PostDoc at the University of Hamburg.
- Stefan Miedzianowski (DFG-Projekt SCHI 484/8-1, "Die
Geologie Innerer Modelle").
- Dr. Philipp Schlicht ("Thin equivalence relations in L(R) and inner models",
finished in 2008), now PostDoc at the University of Auckland (New Zealand)
- Shervin Sorouri, started Oct 01, 2023.
- Xiuyuan Sun, started Oct 01, 2020.
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Müller (nee Uhlenbrock), finished in 2016, now Professor at the University of Vienna (Austria)
- Taichi Yasuda, started March 01, 2024.
- Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zanetti Nunes Fernandes, finished in 2018, now Professor at the Department of Mathematics,
University of
Sao Paolo
- Dr. Ben De Bondt (started 2024)
- Prof. Dr. Yong Cheng (2014-15),
went to Wuhan University (China)
- Prof. Dr. Sean Cox (2009-12), went to VCU (USA)
- Prof. Dr. Gunter Fuchs (2004-09), went to
- Prof. Dr.
Daniel Herden (2009-10)
- Dr.
Stefan Hoffelner (2018-24)
- Dr. Hossein Lamei Ramandi
- Dr. Rene Schipperus (W2 position replacement, 2009-10). Series on linear algebra: History and introduction to linear equations
- Dr.
Philipp Schlicht (W2 position replacement, 2015-16)
- Dr.
Farmer Schlutzenberg (Junior professor, 2017-23), went to Vienna (Austria)
- Prof. Dr.
David Schrittesser (2013), now professor at Harbin (China)
- Dr. Yizheng
Zhu (2012-17), went to the School of Mathematical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Invited talks
- Oxford,
05/26/94, Bicephali below o(k)=k++.
- Berlin,
Dec. 95, Combinatorial applications of
the core model.
- Fine
structure meeting at Oberwolfach, July 97, Iterability below a measurable limit of strongs.
- Non-meeting
at Irvine, Dec 97, Regularity properties of sets of reals.
at UCLA, Jan. 98, Strong cardinals and sets of reals in L_{omega_1}(R).
- L.A.
Logic Colloquium, Oct. 98, Nice sets of reals and choice-like principles.
- Berkeley
Logic Colloquium, Dec. 98, Coding into mice and other subtleties.
Annual Meeting at San Diego, March 99, Coding into L(R), cancelled.
- Lecture
series at Bonn, April 99, The Delfino problem
# 12.
- Greater
Boston Logic Meeting at MIT, May 99, Projective sets and singletons.
- Berlin
Logic Colloquium, Dec. 99, Generic absoluteness.
- Set
theory meeting at Oberwolfach, Dec. 99, The core model for almost linear iterations.
Annual Meeting at Urbana-Champaign, June 2000, Inner models and
- 6eme
Atelier Int'l de Theorie des Ensembles at Luminy, 09/20/00, Proper
forcing and remarkable cardinals.
- Berlin Logic Colloquium
01/15/01, Das Kernmodell für fast lineare Iterationen.
- München 01/17/01, Projektive Mengen und
- Non-meeting
at Bonn, 01/19/01, Core models.
- Münster 02/09/01, Projektive Mengen reeller
Zahlen und Kernmodelle. DVI.
- Fine
structure meeting at Oberwolfach, Hand
grenades I + II, 02/26 + 02/28/01
- Fine
structure meeting at Oberwolfach, A universal
weasel, 03/01/01.
European Summer meeting, Vienna, 08/10/01, Mutual stationarity in L[E].
- Set
theory workshop, Vienna, 08/13/01: Iterates of the core model.
- Foundations
of the formal sciences III, Vienna, 09/23/01, Projective sets of reals
and core models. DVI.
- Set
theory meeting, Oberwolfach, 01/21/02: Mutual
stationarity in L[E].
- Paris
06/17/02: Cardinal arithmetic and determinacy.
- Bonn
06/20/02: Einfache Korrektheitsbeweise. DVI.
- München
06/24/02: Kardinalzahlarithmetik und Determiniertheit.
European Summer meeting, Münster, 08/05/02: Transfer theorems.
Slides: PS, PDF.
- 7th
Atelier Int'l de Theorie des Ensembles at Luminy, 09/19/02, Pcf
theory and Woodin cardinals.
- Kiel, Dec 11, 02, Projektive
Mengen und grosse Kardinalzahlen, seminar talk.
- Kiel, Dec 13, 02, Projektive
Mengen reeller Zahlen, Colloquium talk.
- Fine
structure meeting, Bonn, July 07-11, 03, Forcing axioms and the
constructible universe.
- Barcelona
conference on set theory, Sept 16-20, 03, 4-hour course. The role of
absoluteness and correctness. Slides in dvi.
- Bonn, Nov 20, 03, Verallgemeinerungen von Martins
- Barcelona,
Feb 17, 04, Semi-proper forcing and remarkable cardinals.
- Antrittsvorlesung, Jun 16, 04, Wozu bauchen wir grosse Kardinalzahlen?
meeting, Heidelberg, Sept 17, 04, Cardinal arithmetic and determinacy
- Eighth
Luminy Set Theory Workshop September 20 - 24th,
2004, BMM - one answer and one problem.
meeting, Mainz, June 05, Projective equivalence relations and inner
model theory.
- TU Darmstadt, July 06, 05, Wozu
brauchen wir grosse Kardinalzahlen?
- Freiburg, Dec 02, 05, Äquivalenzrelationen
und grosse Kardinalzahlen. ps-file. pdf-file.
- Fine
structure workshop, Oberwolfach, May 06, The
self-iterability of L[E].
- British
Logic Colloquium, Oxford, Sept 06, Pcf
theory and determinacy.
- Colloquium
Logicum, Bonn, Sept 06, If
every uncountable cardinal is singular, then AD holds in L(R).
- Ninth
Luminy Set Theory Workshop, Oct 3, 06, Diamond^+_kappa,lambda in L[E]
- Bonn
Nov 30, 06, The strength of PFA.
- Hausdorff Center for Math, Bonn, Jan 23,
07, The P vs. NP problem for infinite time Turing machines
- Logic
Colloquium, UC Berkeley, Sept 21, 07, Forcing axioms and large
- UC
Irvine, Nov 05, 07, BMM, canonical functions, and precipitous ideals
- UC
Irvine, Nov 26, 07, Proving projective determinacy, ps-file, pdf-file.
- Tenth
Luminy workshop in Set Theory, Sept 08, Π_2
consequences of BMM plus NS is precipitous.
- Paris
7, Oct 08, Π_2 consequences of BMM plus NS is precipitous.
- Bonn
June 12, 09, Mining strength from hypotheses incompatible with choice
- Workshop
on large cardinals, Wien, June 09, Bounded forcing axioms and
European Summer meeting, Sophia (Bulgaria), July 31 to August 5, 2009,
three-hour tutorial course on "the evolution of inner models": part 1, part 2, part 3.
- Mittag-Leffler Institute, Djursholm,
Sweden, Woodin's axiom (*), bounded
forcing axioms, and related issues, part 1 and 2, Oct 01 and 29, 2009.
- Young
set theorist's workshop, Raach am Hochgebirge, tutorial course on inner model theory,
Feb 15--19, 2010.
- Graduate
center, New York City, March 26, 2010, Π_2 consequences of BMM
plus NS is precipitous
- Fields
Institute, Toronto, April 09, 2010, Π_2 consequences of BMM plus
NS is precipitous.
- Math colloquium,
München, April 23, 2010, Sind große Kardinalzahlen
- Barcelona,
April 29, 2010, Forcing axioms and determinacy
- Amsterdam,
June 01, 2010, Mice and set theoretic geology
- München, Nov 03, 2010, Forcing-Axiome
und die Feinanalyse von Hω2, pdf.
- Harvard,
"The Higher Infinite:
50 Years of Large Cardinals and Inner Models", Feb 18--20, 2011, Generic
Iterations and Forcing Axioms
- Bonn,
April 18, 2011, Resectionable truth
- UC
Irvine, May 04, 2011, Resectionable
and other Σ1 truths
- LPS,
UC Irvine, May 06, 2011, Dilemmas and truths in set theory, PDF.
- Edinburgh,
July 2011, BMM*
- Palermo,
April 03 and 04, 2012, Recent insights concerning the continuum problem
and A dilemma in the philosophy of set theory, PDF1 and PDF2
- Barcelona,
June 2012, A proof of Jensen's Covering
Lemma, lecture series.
- Luminy, Sept 2012, Tutorial on
Jensen's L-forcing, 1st lecture,
2nd lecture, 3rd lecture.
- Oxford,
Oct 08 , 2012, Dilemmas
and truths in set theory.
- Fields
Institute, Toronto, Nov 12, 2012, An
- Barcelona,
Dec 15, 2012, Martin's Maximum with an asterisk.
- UC
Irvine, Feb 25, 2013, Stationary reflection, mouse reflection, and
strategy reflection.
- Tecklenburg, May 02, 2013, Wozu brauchen wir
große Kardinalzahlen?
- Wien,
Sept 25, 2013, Does analytic
determinacy yield zero-sharp?
- Bonn,
Oct 21, 2013, Does analytic determinacy yield zero-sharp?
- UC
Irvine, Feb 24, 2014, Harrington's Principle and remarkable cardinals.
- Harvard
University, March 26, 2014, Martin's Maximum with an asterisk.
- Bonn,
May 24, 2014, Martin's Maximum with an asterisk.
- Bristol,
July 06, 2014, TBA, cancelled.
- Poznan,
Sept, 2014, cancelled.
- Hebrew
University, Jerusalem, Feb 27, 2015, Martin's Maximum, Woodin's (*), or
March 30, 2015, Harrington's Principle and remarkable cardinals.
- MAMLS meeting,
CMU, May 30-31, 2015, Singular cardinals, pcf theory, and determinacy.
- Logic Colloquium 2015, Helsinki,
August 03-08, 2015, Martin's Maximum, Woodin's (*), or both?.
There is a video of this talk!
- Conference
on set theory and model theory, Tehran, Iran, Oct 12-16, 2015, Remarkable
cardinals. Some notes: Part 1, Part 2.
- Bonn,
Dec 04, 2015, PFA-.
- Tel
Aviv University, Feb 16, 2016, PFA-.
- Hebrew
University, Jerusalem, Feb 19, 2016, Varsovian models. This talk can be watched on youtube.
- Rutgers
University, March, 2016, L-forcing and local consequences of MM and (*)
(lecture series)
March 18, 2016, PFA-.
- Münster
model theory month, May 02, 2016, The continuum hypothesis, MM, and (*).
- 1st
2016, Varsovian models.
- Universitat
de Barcelona, Oct 14, 2016, More fake cardinals.
- Workshop,
Tbilisi (Georgia), Oct, 2016, Bernstein sets don't give Vitali sets.
- Workshop
on the Applications of strong logics in other areas of mathematics, CRM,
Bellaterra (Catalunya), Nov, 2016, Martin's Maximum with an asterisk.
- Bonn
Jan 09, 2017, A Hamel basis for the reals without choice.
- Beijing
March 10, 2017, Martin's Maximum, Woodin's (*), or both?,
Colloquium talk.
- Beijing
March 14, 2017, Varsovian models.
- Luminy, Oct, 2017,
Varsovian models with more Woodin cardinals.
- Barcelona,
Oct 30, 2017, Hamel bases without the axiom of choice.
- University of Warsaw,
March 14, 2018, "Paradoxical" sets with no well-ordering of the reals.
- Chinese Mathematical Logic Conference,
Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Duyun, Guizhou, P. R. China, May 12-13, 2018, "Paradoxical" sets with no well-ordering of the reals.
Beijing Normal University, May 18, 2018, Remarkable and other fake cardinals.
May 22, 2018, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Ground generation.
Steklov Institute, Moscow, Oct 15 + 22, 2018, "Paradoxical" sets with no well-ordering of the reals.
These talks can be watched online: part 1 and
part 2.
- Conference on "Reflections on Set Theoretic Reflection,"
Nov 2018, Montseny, Catalonia, Burstin bases and well-ordering the reals. PDF
Tehran, Iran, Feb 23 - 28, 2019,
lecture course on "The extender algebra and its variants", see here.
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, March 25, 2019,
Variants of the extender algebra and their applications
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, March 27, 2019,
"Paradoxical" sets with no well-ordering of the reals
Institute of Mathematics,
Czech Academy of Sciences, Apr 16, 2019,
"Paradoxical" sets with no well-ordering of the reals
Institute of Mathematics,
Czech Academy of Sciences, Apr 17, 2019,
Variants of the extender algebra and their applications
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, June 2019, MM++ implies (*). You may watch this talk on youtube.
Set theory workshop, Luminy, Sept 2019,
A proof of a version of the Ω conjecture plus an application.
IPM Tehran, Iran, Oct 2019,
MM++ implies (*).
Bonn, Nov 08, 2019, MM++ implies (*).
RIMS set theory workshop, Kyoto, Nov 2019,
MM++ implies (*).
Jerusalem, March 04, 2020,
Forcing Woodin's axiom (*) over a model of ZFC.
Wuhan University, May 2020,
t.b.a.. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
Logic Workshop in Nanjing, May 2020,
t.b.a.. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
Set theory workshop in Vienna, July 2020,
t.b.a.. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
5 day lecture series, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, August 17-21, 2020,
Forcing axioms and the axiom (*), via zoom.
UI Chicago, Sept 15, 2020,
Martin's Maximum++ implies the Pmax axiom (*), via zoom.
CUNY Grad Center, Sept 25, 2020,
Martin's Maximum++ implies the Pmax axiom (*), via zoom. Recordings of my talk and the follow-up talk by David Asperó.
University of Helsinki, Nov 04, 2020,
Martin's Maximum++ implies the Pmax axiom (*), via zoom.
Fields Institute, Toronto, Nov 13, 2020,
Martin's Maximum++ implies the Pmax axiom (*), via zoom.
Wuhan University, Dec 08, 2020,
How many real numbers are there?, via zoom.
Torino/Udine, Jan 22, 2021,
Martin's Maximum++ implies the Pmax axiom (*), via zoom. Here is a recording of this talk.
Tehran, Iran, Feb 03, 2021,
A definable Hamel basis without choice, via zoom. Here is a recording of this talk.
Logic Colloquium,
Harvard University, Feb 11, 2021,
(*) is a bounded forcing axiom, via zoom.
- Set theory conference, Luminy, Sept 13, 2021, Mazurkiewicz sets.
Oct 28, 2021,
Martin's Maximum++ implies the Pmax axiom (*)
- Münster C*-algebras seminar, Set theory and the continuum hypothesis, Jan 18, 2022.
IMU + DMV meeting,
Beer Sheva, Feb 2022, plenary talk. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
- IMPAN, Gdansk, seminar talk, Feb 09, 2022.
- IMPAN, Gdansk, colloquium talk, Set theory and the continuum hypothesis, Feb 10, 2022.
- UC Irvine, colloquium talk, Set theory and the continuum hypothesis, Apr 21, 2022.
- IMS Logic Summer School 2022 speaker, July 04-08, 2022.
- Set theory conference, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July 10-14, 2022
- Hausdorff lecture, Turin, Aug 29, 2022. Slides.
- Waseda University, Tokio, Martin's Maximum is Π2 complete, Oct 06, 2022.
- Colloquium talk, TU Vienna, Dec 15, 2022, Martin's Maximum, Woodin's Pmax axiom (*), and Cantor's Continuum Problem.
- TU Vienna, Dec 16, 2022, Martin's Maximum is Π2 complete.
- Conference of the Iranian Association for Logic, Feb 23, 2022, Martin’s Maximum, Woodin's Pmax
axiom (*), and Cantor’s Continuum
- ASL meeting, Irvine, CA, March 2023, Martin's Maximum, Woodin's (*), and beyond.
- Logic Colloquium, Berkeley, CA, April 2023, Martin's Maximum and Woodin's (*).
- 1st Int'l Conference on Basis Sciences, Beijing (China), July 2023, Martin's Maximum and Woodin's (*).
- Luminy (France), September 2023, BMM*,++c
- Baltic Set Theory Seminar, Gdansk (Poland), Nov 2, 3, 6, 2023, The *-version of Martin's Maximum.
- BLAST, Denton, TX, March 2024, Martin's Maximum with an asterisk, revisited.
- plenary speaker, European Congress of Mathematics, Sevilla (Spain), March 2023, t.b.a.
- pleanary speaker, 2nd Int'l Conference on Basis Sciences, Beijing (China), July 2024, t.b.a.
- Munich, Oct 31, 2024, t.b.a.
Contributed talks
European Summer Meeting at Haifa, Aug. 95, On a Chang conjecture.
at Boise, March 97, On (the consistency
strenth of) certain consequences of AD.
European Summer Meeting at Leeds, July 97, On
patterns of cardinals with the tree property.
- Berlin,
06/25/01, Habilitationskolloquium, P = NP? ps-file , pdf-file
- Münster,
July 27--30, 2010, Tutorial on the core model induction.
- Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie, Münster,
22.06.11, Braucht die Mathematik neue Axiome? PDF
- Münster,
Aug 2011, BPFA plus a precipitous ideal on ω1
See also here
- Besprechung von Sets and
Proofs (Cooper, Truss, eds.)
für die Int'l Math. News 185.
- Review
of Cardinal Arithmetic by M. Holz, K. Steffens,
and E. Weitz for Studia
- Besprechung von Fine structure and class
forcing von S.D. Friedman für die Int'l
Math. News 188.
- Besprechung von On numbers and games von
J. Conway für die Int'l Math. News 189.
- Besprechung von From
Trotzy to Gödel. The
life of Jean van Heijenoort von A.B. Feferman für
die Int'l Math. News 189. PDF.
- Review
of Consequences of an exotic definition for P=NP by N.C.A.da Costa and F.A.Doria.
- Review
of Die Logik der Unbestimmtheiten
und Paradoxien by Ulrich Blau
for the BSL. PDF.
- Review
of Combinatorial Set Theory by L.J. Halbeisen
for the Jahresberichte der Deutschen
Math.-Vereinigung. PDF.
- Review
of Forcing over models of determinacy by Paul Larson. PDF.
- Feb 19, 1965
Born in Erlangen (FRG).
- 1983
Winner of the German Federal Competition in Mathematics (Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik).
- 1986-92
Undergraduate studies in philosophy, logic, and the theory of science at
Munich (FRG) with a scholarship from the Studienstiftung
des Deutschen Volkes.
- Feb
20, 1992 M.A. (Magister artium) in logic and the
theory of science (M.A. thesis advisor: Ulrich Blau).
- 1992-96
Ph.D. student with Peter Koepke at Bonn (FRG)
with a scholarship from the Graduiertenkolleg Mathematik.
- April
26, 1996 Received Ph.D.
- 1996-97
Assistent professor at Bonn (FRG).
- March
01, 1997 thru Feb 27, 1999 Research fellow at UC Berkeley (USA) with a
scholarship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- April
01, 1999 thru Sept 30, 2001: Universitätsassistent
at Vienna (Austria).
- July
16, 2001, Habilitation at HU Berlin (FRG).
- Oct
01, 2001 thru Oct 31, 2003: Ao. Univ.Prof. with tenure
at Vienna (Austria).
- Nov
01, 2003: Full Professor (chair, C4, with tenure) at Münster (FRG).
- 2006 - 2009: Vice chair of the
- Aug
08, 2007 thru March 31, 2008, Jan 31 thru March 28, 2013, and Jan 31 thru
April 01, 2014: Guest professor at UC Berkeley (USA).
- Sept-Nov 2009, research stay
at the Institut
Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm (Sweden).
- Nov 2012, research stay
at the Fields Institute, Toronto (Canada).
- Sept 2013, research stay
at the Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Wien (Austria).
- Aug 22 - Sept 19, 2015, research stay
at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge (UK).
- June
thru Sept, 2012: Guest professor at the University of Barcelona and Sept 08-Dec 16, 2016 at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Catalunya).
- Feb
thru Apr, 2016, and Nov 2017: Research stay at Rutgers University (USA).
- May 2018,
Honorary Professor at the Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Duyun (China).
- June 2019, research stay at the
Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), Singapore.
- Aug 29, 2022: recipient, with David Asperó, of the Hausdorff Medal of the ESTS for our joint paper "Martin's Maximum++ implies Woodin's Axiom (*)."
- July 16, 2023: recipient, with David Asperó, Best Paper Award at the 1st Int'l Congress on Basis Sciences, Beijing (China), for our joint paper "Martin's Maximum++ implies Woodin's Axiom (*)."
There is an article about our paper by Natalie Wolchover in the Quanta magazine which you may read here; it also comes with a nice podcast. A German version of her article appeared in the Spektrum der Wissenschaft, you may read it here; an accompanying podcast is here. "El país" published two articles on our paper (in Castilian): 1, 2.
At the NUS summer school in logic 2022, I gave a lecture course on Forcing axioms and Pmax. More information on this may be found here.
I gave a 5 day lecture series at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, August 17-21, 2020,
Forcing axioms and the axiom (*). The course took place via zoom, here are links to recordings: day 1,
day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5. Notes produced by Jiaming Zhang: 1st talk, 2nd talk, 3rd talk, 4th talk, 5th talk. I also gave a talk at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, Dec 08, 2020, on a related topic: How many real numbers are there? It comes with a set of notes. Here you may find a recording of my talk at Wuhan.
3 children, 2 grandchildren.