© Gregor Schindler 2006

3rd Münster conference on

inner model theory, the core model induction, and hod mice

Institut für Mathematische Logik, WWU Münster,

July 20 -- 31, 2015

Organizers: Ralf Schindler (Münster), John Steel (Berkeley)

This conference will be a sequel to the 1st Conference on the core model induction and hod mice that was held in Münster (FRB), July 19 -- August 06, 2010, to the 2nd Conference on the core model induction and hod mice that was held in Münster (FRG), August 08 -- 19, 2011, as well as to the AIM Workshop on Descriptive Inner Model Theory, held in Palo Alto (CA), June 02 -- 06, 2014, and to the Conference on Descriptive Inner Model Theory, held in Berkeley (CA) June 09 -- 13, 2014.

Once more, this conference will draw together researchers and advanced students with an interest in inner model theory, in order to communicate and further explore this recent work. There will be courses and single talks.

We will meet Monday--Friday, with 2 hours of lecture in the morning and 2 hours of lecture in the early afternoon. This will leave ample time for problem sessions, informal seminars, and other interactions in the late afternoons and evenings. The week July 20 -- 24, 2014, will be the week when the formal part of the conference will take place; the organizers will decide beforehand about speakers and talks for the 1st week. There will be a second week, July 27 -- 31, 2014, which will be much less formal; speakers and talks for the 2nd week will be decided about during the first week.

The conference will take place at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. of Muenster, Orléans-Ring 10, 48149 Muenster, FRG, lecture halls N2 and N3. We also have lecture hall N2 available for the week June 13 -- 17 for pre--conference activities.

The conference organizers gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Marianne and Dr. Horst Kiesow-Stiftung, Frankfurt a.M., from the DVMLG (Deutsche Vereinigung für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung), as well as from the NSF (National Science Foundation).


Mo, July 20 Tue, July 21 We, July 22 Thu, July 23 Fr, July 24
9:30--10:45 Yizheng Zhu Trevor WilsonNam Trang 1Ralf SchindlerMartin Zeman
11:15--12:30 Gunter Fuchs Farmer Schlutzenberg 1Daniel RodriguesSteve JacksonChris Le Sueur
14:30--15:45 John Steel 1 a Hugh Woodin 1 aHugh Woodin 2 aJohn Steel 2 aPhilipp Schlicht
16:45--17:30 John Steel 1 b Hugh Woodin 1 bHugh Woodin 2 bJohn Steel 2 bHugh Woodin 3
17:30--∞ Problems and Discussions Problems and DiscussionsProblems and DiskussionsProblems and Discussionsfree

Mo, July 27 Tue, July 28 We, July 29 Thu, July 30 Fr, July 31
10:00--12:00 Nam Trang 2 Farmer Schlutzenberg 2Dominik AdolfFarmer Schlutzenberg 3free
14:30--17:00 Martin Zeman (discussion) John Steel 3freeJohn Steel 4free
17:30--∞ Problems and Discussions Problems and DiscussionsProblems and DiskussionsProblems and Discussionsfree

Talks and abstracts:

  1. Dominik Adolf: Mutually stationary sets on alternating cofinalities and core models. We compute lower bounds of consistency strength for the existence of certain sequences of mutual stationary sets. We believe that we can present a fairly complete core model analysis for these sequences (as long as they do not witness Jonssonness). This is joint work with Sean Cox. notes taken by rds
  2. Gunter Fuchs: Geology, inner models and the solid core. I will present some results due to Ralf Schindler and myself, isolating situations in which certain models of set theory that arise in the context of set theoretic geology turn out to be fine structural. For example, if the universe is constructible from a set and there is an inner model with a Woodin cardinal, then the mantle, i.e., the intersection of all inner models of which the universe is a forcing extension by set forcing, is fine structural. A similar result concerns the concept of the solid core, which is the collection of all sets that are constructible from a set of ordinals that is solid, meaning that it cannot be added to an inner model by set forcing. Again, the solid core is fine structural if there is an inner model with a Woodin cardinal. notes taken by rds
  3. Steve Jackson: Uniform cofinalities and exact partition properties. notes taken by rds
  4. Daniel Rodriguez: L(R,μ) is unique. We show that under various appropriate hypotheses there is only one determinacy model of the form L(R,μ) in which mu is a supercompact measure on Pω1(R). notes taken by rds
  5. Grigor Sargsyan: The Largest Suslin Axiom. We will state the Largest Suslin Axiom. Show its consistency relative to large cardinals. Show how to derive it from combinatorial principles (in the presence of mild large cardinals), and if time permits, make some comments about how to go beyond. (Cancelled.)
  6. Ralf Schindler: AD from ℵω is a strong limit and 2ω > ℵω1. Using a cheat, we get an inner model with ω1 Woodin cardinals from said hypothesis and also from the assumption that κ is a limit of cofinality ω1 s.t. the set of μ < κ with 2μ = μ+ is stationary and costationary. This is joint with Gabriel Fernandes.
  7. Philipp Schlicht: M1 and infinite time machines. A subset of an ordinal is recognizable if it is the unique subset for which an infinite time machine has a certain output. We consider reals as inputs to infinite time machines with finitely many ordinal parameters, and define the recognizable hull by iterating relative recognizability for reals. In joint work with Merlin Carl, we connect this with M1 by showing that a real is in the recognizable hull if and only if it is in M1. notes taken by rds
  8. Farmer Schlutzenberg: Fine structure from normal iterability. For short extender premice, the solidity of the standard parameter and related fine structural properties, follow from normal iterability. That is, let k< ω and let M be a k-sound, (k, ω1+1)-iterable premouse. Then M is k+1-solid and k+1-universal, degree k+1-condensation holds for M, and if k>0 then M is Dodd-sound. Further, any (0, ω1+1)$-iterable pseudo-premouse is a premouse. I will explain at least the main ideas in the proofs of these results. (The results hold for Mitchell-Steel indexing, permitting extenders of superstrong type to appear on the extender sequence.) notes taken by rds, part 1, notes taken by rds, part 2, notes taken by rds, part 3
  9. John Steel: Normalizing iteration trees and comparing iteration strategies. notes taken by rds, part 1, notes taken by rds, part 2, notes taken by rds, part 3
  10. John Steel: -UBH. notes taken by rds
  11. Chris Le Sueur: Determinacy a bit beyond co-analytic. It is quite well-known result of Martin that the existence of a measurable cardinal is enough to prove the determinacy of all boldface Π11 sets. The argument nicely modifies to get the determinacy of all lightface Π11 sets from the existence of O. This argument has since been pushed to go beyond Π11, and I will discuss how this is done. In doing so, I'll introduce a generalised effective descriptive set theory suitable for studying uncountable spaces, and describe a ramified forcing (akin to Cohen's original conception) that allows class forcing over weak models. slides
  12. Nam Trang: Square in hod mice and applications. We discuss ideas for proving square in hod mice up to lsa hod mice. We describe how the straightforward adaptation of the Schimmerling-Zeman construction fails for hod mice and how to overcome it. Applications of this type of theorems include improving lower-bound consistency strength of various principles. For instance, I prove that PFA implies the sharp for the minimal model of "ADR + Θ is strong" exists. We hope to build on this to construct a model of "AD+ + LSA" from principles like PFA. notes taken by rds, part 1, notes taken by rds, part 2
  13. Trevor Wilson: Determinacy from strong compactness of ω1. Determinacy axioms are well-known to imply large cardinal properties of ω1 such as measurability and certain degrees of strong compactness and supercompactness. Conversely, from large cardinal properties of ω1 one can obtain inner models of determinacy axioms using the core model induction. This approach leads to some equiconsistencies between determinacy axioms and their consequences in terms of degrees of strong compactness of ω1. For a set X, we say that ω1 is X-strongly compact if there is a fine, countably complete measure on Pω1(X). We obtain the following equiconsistencies modulo ZF plus DC: (1) the P(ω1)-strong compactness of ω1 is equiconsistent with AD, and (2) the P(R)-strong compactness of ω1 is equiconsistent with ADR (plus DC). This talk is based on joint work with Nam Trang. slides
  14. Hugh Woodin: The Ultimate-L Conjecture. I discuss progress on proving the Ultimate-L Conjecture focusing on two obstructions. The first obstruction concerns comparison by least disagreement and the second concerns the necessary failure of amenable or even weakly amenable levels. The latter is just the necessary failure of weak square principles at singular cardinals translated into fine-structural terms. Both these obstructions provide key clues as to how to pass the "ω-barrier". notes taken by rds, 1st part, notes taken by rds, 2nd part
  15. Hugh Woodin: -UBH. notes taken by rds a section of "Suitable extender models," J. Math. Log. 10 (2010), no. 1-2, 101--339, on -UBH, with some recent corrections, by Hugh Woodin
  16. Yizheng Zhu: The higher sharp. We establish the descriptive set theoric representation of the mouse Mn#, which is called 0(n+1)#. At even levels, 02n#is the higher level analog of Kleene's O; at odd levels, 02n+1# is the unique iterable remarkable level-2n+1 blueprint. notes taken by rds
  17. Martin Zeman: The true core model with a Woodin cardinal. We show that in certain universes one can construct the true core model using Steel's CMIP construction. The model will be the true core model in the sense that it will satisfy the rigidity theorem, generic absoluteness, and weak covering. This is a joint work with Grigor Sargsyan. notes taken by rds
  18. Martin Zeman: Distinct iterable branches (discussion). notes taken by rds

Participants, with the dates of their stay (if known):
  1. Dominik Adolf (Berkeley) [] July 21--?
  2. Douglas Blue (Munich) []
  3. Fabiana Castiblanco (Münster)
  4. Qi Feng (Beijing) [Germania-Campus] July 19--Aug 01
  5. Gabriel Fernandes (Münster)
  6. Gunter Fuchs (CUNY) [] July 19--25
  7. Moti Gitik (Tel Aviv) [Hotel am Schlosspark] July 19--26
  8. Steve Jackson (UNT) [] July 19--25
  9. Ronald Jensen (Berlin) [Europa-Haus] July 09--28
  10. Chris Le Sueur (Bristol) [] July 19-28
  11. Menachem Magidor (Jerusalem) [Europa-Haus] July 13--Aug 01
  12. Stefan Miedzianowski (Münster)
  13. Daniel Rodrigues (CMU) []
  14. Ralf Schindler (Münster)
  15. Philipp Schlicht (Bonn, Münster)
  16. Farmer Schlutzenberg (UNT) [Handwerkskammer] July 15--Aug 05
  17. John Steel (Berkeley) [Europa-Haus] July 15--Aug 01
  18. Nam Trang (CMU) [Handwerkskammer] July 19--31
  19. Sandra Uhlenbrock (Münster)
  20. Philip Welch (Bristol) [My bed and breakfast] July 21--24
  21. Trevor Wilson (Irvine) [Nordstern Hostel] July 15--27
  22. W. Hugh Woodin (Harvard) [Germania-Campus] July 19--25
  23. Shi Xianghui (Beijing) [Handwerkskammer] July 19--31
  24. Yizheng Zhu (Münster)
  25. Martin Zeman (Irvine) [Germania-Campus] July 15--30

Hotel information:
  • Barbara's bed and breakfast, she has rooms for 25 -- 68 EUR. This is the only one not within walking distance, so you'd need a bike; but it's nice and cheap.
  • Nordstern hostel, rooms for 29 EUR.
  • My bed and breakfast, rooms for 49 -- 69 EUR.
  • Handwerkskammer Münster. They have very nice rooms for less than 100 € per week. See here. A highly recommended option! Contact: Frau Iris Weverinck-Friedrichs, iris.weverinck@hwk-muenster.de, phone no. +49-251-705-1305.
  • Haus Niemann, rooms for 59,50 EUR.
  • Factory Hotel.
  • Hotel am Schlosspark.
  • Impressum | Datenschutzhinweis