Mo, July 20 | Tue, July 21 | We, July 22 | Thu, July 23 | Fr, July 24 | |
9:30--10:45 | Yizheng Zhu | Trevor Wilson | Nam Trang 1 | Ralf Schindler | Martin Zeman |
11:15--12:30 | Gunter Fuchs | Farmer Schlutzenberg 1 | Daniel Rodrigues | Steve Jackson | Chris Le Sueur |
14:30--15:45 | John Steel 1 a | Hugh Woodin 1 a | Hugh Woodin 2 a | John Steel 2 a | Philipp Schlicht |
16:45--17:30 | John Steel 1 b | Hugh Woodin 1 b | Hugh Woodin 2 b | John Steel 2 b | Hugh Woodin 3 |
17:30--∞ | Problems and Discussions | Problems and Discussions | Problems and Diskussions | Problems and Discussions | free |
Mo, July 27 | Tue, July 28 | We, July 29 | Thu, July 30 | Fr, July 31 | |
10:00--12:00 | Nam Trang 2 | Farmer Schlutzenberg 2 | Dominik Adolf | Farmer Schlutzenberg 3 | free |
14:30--17:00 | Martin Zeman (discussion) | John Steel 3 | free | John Steel 4 | free |
17:30--∞ | Problems and Discussions | Problems and Discussions | Problems and Diskussions | Problems and Discussions | free |