2nd Conference on

the core model induction and hod mice

Institut für Mathematische Logik, WWU Münster,

August 08 -- 19, 2011

Organizers: Andrés Caicedo (Boise), Grigor Sargsyan (UCLA/Rutgers), Ralf Schindler (Münster), John Steel (Berkeley)

This conference will be a sequel to the first Conference on the core model induction and hod mice that was held in Münster July 19 -- August 06, 2010.

Again, this conference will draw together researchers and advanced students with an interest in inner model theory, in order to communicate and further explore this recent work. There will be courses and single talks.

We will meet formally Monday-Friday, with 2 hours of lecture in the morning and 2 hours of lecture in the early afternoon. This will leave ample time for problem sessions, informal seminars, and other interactions in the late afternoons, evenings, and weekends.

The conference organizers gratefully acknowledge financial support from the NSF (National Science Foundation, grant no. DMS-0801189, amendment no. 002), from the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant no. SCHI 484/3-1, and from the Marianne and Dr. Horst Kiesow-Stiftung, Frankfurt a.M.

Location: The talks will take place in the new building of our department (which is an annex to the old one), Orleansring 10, rooms no. N 1 and N 2 (ground floor).

The conference picture may be found below.

List of speakers, titles, and abstracts

David Aspero (Bogota): Measuring and CH. (had to be cancelled)

Andres Caicedo (Boise): Pmax consequences beyond H(omega2).

Steve Jackson (Denton): The scale property from AD.

Grigor Sargsyan (Los Angeles/Rutgers): On the strength of failure of square at singular strong limit cardinal.

Abstract: We show that the the failure of square at a singular strong limit cardinal implies that there is a model of ADR + Θ is regular containing the reals and ordinals.

John Krueger (Denton): A remark on the non-compactness of square.

Ralf Schindler (Münster): The strength of BPFA plus a precipitous ideal on ω1.

Abstract: We show that a (slight?) strengthening of BPFA together with the existence of a precipitous ideal on ω1 yields projective determinacy. A key step is to prove that K computes successors of cardinals correctly if they carry a precipitous ideal. This is joint work with B. Claverie.

Farmer Schlutzenberg (Denton, TX): An alternate proof of Semiscale(Π13) from mice.

Neeman gave a construction of scales for many pointclasses from mice, via his premouse lightening. I'll give an alternate construction of semiscales from mice, for sufficiently closed pointclasses. It's unknown whether this construction does give scales.

John Steel (Berkeley): PFA implies AD in L(R).

Nam Trang (Berkeley): The HOD computation in natural models of AD+.

We compute the full HOD of models satisfying AD+ + V = L(P(R)) under the assumption that there is no model M satisfying ADR + Θ is regular and P(R)M ≠ P(R).

Philip Welch (Bristol): Determinacy in strong cardinals models.

Trevor Wilson (Berkeley): The strength of properties of ideals in the Pmax extension of a model of ADR + Θ regular.

Zhu Yizheng (Singapore): Every AD+ model below ADR + θ regular is a derived model of a premouse

Abstract: We show that assuming AD+ + V=L(P(R)) and that there is no proper class inner model containing all the reals and satisfying ADR + θ regular, we can force a premouse N so that V is a derived model of N. This work is based on hod mice theory and earlier results along this line, part of which were done at the 1st conference last year.

Martin Zeman (Irvine): Reconstructing extenders.


Mo, Aug 08 Tue, Aug 09 We, Aug 10 Thu, Aug 11 Fr, Aug 12
9:30--11:00 Schindler CaicedoWilson/SteelWilson/SteelWilson/Steel
11:30--12:30 Schindler CaicedoWilson/SteelWilson/SteelWilson/Steel
14:30--16:00 Nam Trang JacksonKruegerZemanSargsyan
16:30--17:30 Nam Trang Nam TrangNam TrangZemanSargsyan
17:30--∞ Problems and Discussions Problems and DiscussionsProblems and DiskussionsProblems and Discussionsfree

Mo, Aug 15 Tue, Aug 16 We, Aug 17 Thu, Aug 18 Fr, Aug 19
9:30--11:00 Sargsyan WilsonSargsyanSchlutzenbergSargsyan
11:30--12:30 Sargsyan WilsonSargsyanSchlutzenbergSargsyan
14:30--16:00 Zhu ZhuZhuWelchfree
16:30--17:30 Zhu ZhuZhuSargsyanfree
17:30--∞ Problems and Discussions Problems and DiscussionsProblems and DiskussionsProblems and Discussionsfree


Please make your reservations as soon as possible. Our conference will take place during vacation time in Nordrhein-Westfalen, and the hotels in Münster are usually booked out quite early. There will be no rooms in the student dormitories available this time!!!
  • Hotel am Schloßpark, very nice hotel, quiet and conveniently located; single rooms for 87 - 95 € per night.
  • Agora Hotel, nice hotel by the Aasee; single rooms for 70 - 75 € per night.
  • Hotel Jellentrup, quiet hotel next to the campus; single rooms for 67 - 77 € per night.
  • Jugendgästehaus am Aasee, youth hostel, but quiet and clean, by the Aasee; single rooms for 48.20 - 56.60 € per night. Book here; unfortunately, they seem to be booked out July 24-30, 2010, but they still have rooms available outside of this period of time.
  • Sleep Station, budget hotel, but okay; single rooms for 32 - 40 € per night.
  • Handwerkskammer Münster. They have very nice rooms for less than 100 € per week. See here. A highly recommended option! Contact: Frau Iris Weverinck-Friedrichs, iris.weverinck@hwk-muenster.de, phone no. +49-251-705-1305; or contact Ralf. As of today (June 15, 11), there are about 5 rooms left, so please act quickly if you are interested!
  • Mitwohnzentrale Münster. They arrange that you can privately rent affordable rooms/apartments from people who are travelling. Instruction: Go here, select "WG-Angebote" (if you would be willing to share an apartment, a "WG," with someone else) or "Wohnungsangebote" (if you'd like to have an apartment on your own) in "Münster" and click on "Suchen" (search). You'll get to a list with rooms/apartments. Please don't hesitate contacting Ralf at rds at math dot uni-muenster dot de if you need help.


    Dominik Adolf (Münster)
    David Aspero (Bogota) Aug 06--13Handwerkskammer
    Andrés Caicedo (Boise) July + Augarranged
    Daisuke Ikegami (Helsinki)Aug 06 -- 20Handwerkskammer
    Steve Jackson (Texas)Aug 07 -- 19Handwerkskammer
    Richard Ketchersid???Handwerkskammer
    Marios Koulakis (Münster)
    John Krueger (Texas)Aug 07 -- 14Hotel am Schlosspark
    Bill Mitchell (Gainesville) Aug 05 -- 20 Handwerkskammer
    Grigor Sargsyan (UCLA/Rutgers)Zumsandestr. 28
    Ernest Schimmerling (CMU) Aug 06--20Handwerkskammer
    Ralf Schindler (Münster)
    Philipp Schlicht (Bonn)OKarranged
    Farmer Schlutzenberg (Texas) Aug 05 -- 20 Handwerkskammer
    John Steel (Berkeley)Aug 01--19Germania Campus
    Nam Trang (Berkeley)Aug 06--19Germania Campus
    Philip Welch (Bristol)Aug 07--19Germania Campus
    Trevor Wilson (Berkeley)Aug 06--20Humboldt--Haus
    Zhu Yizheng (Singapore)Aug 06--19Germania Campus
    Martin Zeman (Irvine)Aug 07--19Germania Campus

    Below, FLTR: Wilson, Trang, Schimmerling, Schlutzenberg, Jackson, Adolf, Mitchell, Sargsyan, Steel, Caicedo, Schindler, Ketchersid, Zeman, Zhu, Welch.
    Impressum | Datenschutzhinweis