Application form for the workshop
Groups, Dynamical Systems and C*-Algebras
If you would like to participate at the conference and if you want to give a contributed lecture and/or apply for financial support, you need to copy the following form to an email, fill it out, and send it to the organizers not later as May 31:
Main research interests:
Title of contributed lecture:
Abstract of contributed lecture:
I need financial support: (Yes/No)
In case you need financial support, we would also like to ask you to give us information on your status by answering the following:
Year of Ph.D (if any):
Type of current position:
Please give us also a short explanation of your motivation to attend the conference and to what extend you may obtain other financial support for attending the conference. It would also be helpful if you could give us a short overview of your research interests, publications, and/or Ph.D project.