Organizing Committee:
Martin Kerin, University of Münster
Burkhard Wilking, University of Münster
Ramiro Lafuente, University of Münster
The purpose of the meeting is to study relationships between
local and global invariants in Riemannian Geometry. Our
intention is to bring together experts in the field as well as young
mathematicians. We plan to schedule talks from the morning of
Monday, 24 July, through the afternoon of Friday, 28 July. The program
of the Workshop is structured so that beyond the lectures there will be
many opportunities for intensive discussions.
The workshop will be partly supported by SPP 2026: "Geometry at Infinity".
We expect to cover all local costs for invited participants. If no other source of reimbursement is available, we may reimburse travel costs provided that there is enough funding. You may apply for travel costs on the registration form.
Please register early using the registration
page. If you intend to give a lecture and you are not sure about the
title as yet, you may submit the title for your talk later.
The registration deadline is June 1, 2017.
People who register after this date will not be considered for
The math building is located at the Coesfelder Kreuz,
Einsteinstrasse 62 (building #0 on the local map).
It is the tall building with 9 floors. All participants should register at
Room SR0 (ground floor) in that building. People can also get computer access there.
All lectures will take place in lecture room M4 of the lecture hall
building (building #1 on the local map).
The coffee breaks will be on the ground floor of the math building.
Weather permitting, there will be a bicycle tour on Wednesday
afternoon. People who want to participate in the tour and need a
bicycle should let us know on the first day of the workshop, if they
have not already done so.
The conference party will take place on Friday evening.
For the bicycle tour and party accompanying persons are welcome to