Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Name Urs Thomas Hartl
Date of Birth June 17th 1969 in Munich, Germany

Scientific Positions

Apr. 07 - present University of Muenster, Germany,
Professor for Mathematics
Oct. 02 - Mar. 07 University of Freiburg, Germany,
Juniorprofessor for Algebra
Oct. 01 - Sept. 02 ETH Zuerich, Switzerland,
full-time research assistant position in mathematics at the chair of Professor Dr. R. Pink
Oct. 96 - Sept. 01 University of Ulm, Germany
full-time research assistant position in mathematics at the chair of Professor Dr. W. Luetkebohmert


July 2006 University of Freiburg, Germany,
Habilitation in mathematics,
Habilitation treatise: "Period Spaced for Hodge Structures in Equal Characteristic"


June 1999 University of Ulm, Germany
Ph.D. in mathematics, advisor: Professor Dr. W. Luetkebohmert,
Thesis: "On the Representability of the Rigid Analytic Picard Functor" (german)
July 2001 Dissertation-award by the University-Society of Ulm


Apr. 93 - Sept. 96 University of Ulm, Germany
Student of mathematics
Diploma: September 1996
Nov. 92 - Sept. 96 Scolarship from the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes"
July 95 - May 96 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Student of mathematics
Oct. 90 - Mar. 93 Technical University of Munich, Germany
Student of mathematics
Vordiplom (Graduation): October 1992
Jan. 89 - Aug. 00 Civil service at the "Nachbarschaftshilfe" in Eichenau, Germany
Sept. 79 - June 88 Academic high school in Fuerstenfeldbruck, Germany
Abitur (A-level): June 1988
Sept. 75 - July 79 Elementary school in Eichenau, Germany

External Funds

July 20 - June 24 Projects A2 and A3 in Collaborative Research Center 1442 at the University of Muenster:
"A2: Moduli spaces of p-adic Galois representations"
"A3: Special cycles on moduli spaces of G-shtukas"
July 14 - June 18 Project A3 in Collaborative Research Center 878 at the University of Muenster: "Moduli spaces of G-shtukas and the Langlands program"
July 10 - June 14 Project A3 in Collaborative Research Center 878 at the University of Muenster: "Moduli spaces of G-shtukas and period domains"
Sept. 07 - Dec. 09 Project C5 in Collaborative Research Center 478 at the University of Muenster: "The arithmetic of period domains and local shtukas"
Oct. 05 - Oct. 10 DFG-Project HA3006/2-1: "Analogs of p-divisible groups in the arithmetic of function fields and their applications"

Editorial work

Dec. 09 - Dec. 17 Editor of the Journal of Number Theory

Self Improvement

since Dec. 02 Various seminars about didactics at the "Hochschuldidaktikzentrum Baden-Wuerttemberg"

Appointment Offers

Sept. 02 Juniorprofessor for Algebra at the University of Freiburg
July 06 W2-Professor for Pure Mathematics at the University of Muenster
Feb. 10 W3-Professor (chair) for Topology and Arithmetic Geometry at the University of Regensburg

U. Hartl, last modified: 03/01/2021 Disclaimer