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Oberseminar Topologie (WiSe 2014/2015)

  • Termin: Mo, 14.00 s.t - 16.00 s.t., Raum N3 (Orléansring 10)
Hier geht es zum Programm des Oberseminars.

Datum Vortragende(r) Titel
13.10.2014 Johannes Ebert Overview and a non-technical introduction
20.10.2014 Paul Bubenzer Spaces of manifolds
27.10.2014 fällt aus!
03.11.2014 Arthur Bartels The homotopy type of the cobordism category
10.11.2014 Ulrich Pennig The scanning principle
17.11.2014 Michael Joachim Surgery below the middle dimension I
24.11.2014 Michael Weiss Surgery below the middle dimension II
01.12.2014 Michael Joachim Surgery below the middle dimension III
08.12.2014 Bram Mesland Nonunital spectral triples and metric completeness in unbounded KK-theory
15.12.2014 Weihnachtsfeier
05.01.2015 Werner Thumann Operad groups - a new framework for Thompson-Esque groups.
12.01.2015 Federico Cantero Surgery in the middle dimension I
19.01.2015 William Gollinger Surgery in the middle dimension II
26.01.2015 Martin Palmer Group completion in the simplest case

Last Update:

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