Erweiterte Suche

Oberseminar Topologie (WiSe 2012/13)

  • Termin: Mo, 14.00 s.t - 16.00 s.t., Raum SR5
Datum Vortragende(r) Titel
08.10.2012 Snigdhayan Mahanta
(Uni Münster)

"Integral K-theoretic Novikov conjecture with special coefficients".

15.10.2012 Hironori Sakai
(Uni Münster)
"On application of differentiable stacks to symplectic vortex equations".
22.10.2012 Dmitri Pavlov
(Uni Münster)
"Two-dimensional  Yang-Mills theory and string topology of classifying spaces".
29.10.2012 Peter Albers
(Uni Münster)
"A variotional approach to Givental´s nonlinear Maslev Index".
05.11.2012 Gerd Laures
(Uni Bochum)
"Charakteristische Klassen in topologischen Modulformen vom Level 3".
12.11.2012 Justin Noel
(Uni Bonn)
"Equivariant homology of representation spheres with coefficients in the Burnside ring and computations indexed by Picard groups".
19.11.2012 Ilan Barnea
(Uni Münster)
"From Weak Fibration Categories to Model Categories"
26.11.2012 Rosona Eldred
(Uni Hamburg)
"Goodwillie Calculus via Adjunction and Nilpotence".
03.12.2012 George Raptis
(Uni Osnabrück)
"The moduli space of topological realizations of an unstable coalgebra".
10.12.2012 Romain Tessera
"Filling invariants in homogeneous riemannian manifolds and vertex-transitive graphs."
17.12.2012 Sander Kupers
"The stable homology of the moduli space of highly-connected higher-dimensional complexes"
07.01.2013 N.N. tba
14.01.2013 N.N. tba
21.01.2013 N.N. tba
28.01.2013 N.N. tba

Last updated: 2012-12-04

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