Erweiterte Suche

Oberseminar Topologie (WS 2011/12)

  • Termin: Mo, 14.00 s.t - 16.00 s.t., Raum SR5
Datum Vortragende(r) Titel
17.10.2011 Jérôme Scherer Nilpotency in homotopy theory
24.10.2011 Dmitri Pavlov Euclidean field theories and topological modular forms
31.10.2011 Thilo Kuessner Topological Approaches to Volume
07.11.2011 Sven Führing Bordism, homology and positive scalar curvature
14.11.2011 Ulrich Pennig Higher twisted K-Theory
21.11.2011 Christoph Wockel String group models and their classification
28.11.2011 Malte Röer The rho-invariant and ko-homology
05.12.2011 Johannes Ebert Spaces of long manifolds and a generalization of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem I
12.12.2011 Johannes Ebert Spaces of long manifolds and a generalization of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem II
09.01.2012 Georgios Raptis Cobordism categories and the A-theory characteristic
16.01.2012 Wolfgang Lück L^2-Approximation in prime characteristic and homological growth
23.01.2012 Andrew Tonks Unital associahedra and (homotopy unital homotopy associative) spaces and algebras
24.01.2012 Imma Gálvez Faà di Bruno formulae for Green Functions and Cardinality from Groupoids (13:30 in room SR0)
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