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Oberseminar Topologie: "Analytical Methods in Geometric Group Theory" (WS 03/04)


22.10.03 (M)Quasi-Isometry of Groups - SurveyRoman Sauer
29.10.03 (M)Hyperbolic GroupsWolfgang Lück
3.11.03Measure Equivalence of Groups Julia Weber
10.11.03Induction and Transfer for Measure CouplingsJoachim Grunewald
17.11.03QI-Rigidity of Free Abelian GroupsRoman Sauer
24.11.03QI-Invariance of the Cohomological Dimension of Amenable GroupsDirk Schütz
1.12.03QI-Invariance of Betti numbers of Nilpotent GroupsTilman Bauer
8.12.03Bounded Cohomology - IntroductionMarco Schmidt
10.12.03 (M)Amenable Group Actions and the Poisson BoundaryAndreas Thom
5.1.03Bounded Cohomology (after Burger-Monod)Marco Varisco
12.1.03Bounded Cohomology of Hyperbolic GroupsHolger Reich
19.1.03Rigidity Results for Measure Equivalence IArthur Bartels
21.1.03 (M)Rigidity Results for Measure Equivalence IIRoman Sauer


The seminar sessions marked by (M) above take place on Wednesday, 9:15 in room SR5. All the other sessions take place on Monday, 15:00 in room SR5.


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