Erweiterte Suche

Oberseminar Topologie (SoSe 2013)

  • Termin: Mo, 14.00 s.t - 16.00 s.t., Raum M6
Datum Vortragende(r) Titel
15.04.2013 Gereon Quick
(Universität Münster)
Hodge filtered complex bordism.
22.04.2013 Dawid Kielak
(Universität Bonn)
Orderings, fractions, and groups with infinitely many ends
29.04.2013 Benjamin Collas
Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory and profinite torsion in mapping class groups.
06.05.2013 Christoph Winges A filtered version of the isomorphism conjecture in algebraic K-theory.
13.05.2013 Piotr Nowak
(Universität Warschau)
Amenable actions and bounded cohomology.
27.05.2013 Martin Palmer
(Universität Münster)
Configuration spaces and homological stability.
10.06.2013 Camille Horbez
(Université de Rennes 1)
The hyperbolicity of the sphere complex via surgery paths.
17.06.2013 Pedro Boavida
(Universität Münster)
Spaces of embeddings and configuration categories.
24.06.2013 Steve Ferry
(Rutgers University)
The manifold recognition problem.
01.07.2013 Ulrich Pennig
(Universität Münster)
Unit spectra of K-theory from strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras.
08.07.2013 Paul Arne Østvær
(University of Oslo)
Homotopy theory of C*-algebras
15.07.2013 Daniel Kasprowski
(Universität Münster)
The topological h-cobordism theorem in dimension 4.

Last updated: 2013-07-02

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