Seminar on trace maps

The seminar is concerned with trace maps out of algebraic K-theory. The ultimate goal of the seminar is to understand a proof of the following result of Bökstedt, Hsiang and Madsen which discovers a big portion inside K_n(\mathbb{Z}\Gamma).

Theorem ([BHM]) Let \Gamma be a group whose homology in each degree is a finitely generated abelian group. Then the rationalized assembly map in algebraic K-theory

H_n(B\Gamma,\mathbb{K}(\mathbb{Z}))\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{Q} \to K_n(\mathbb{Z}\Gamma)\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{Q}
is injective.

Here the left hand side admits a more explicit description in terms of group homology with rational coefficients. The result fits into the general philosophy of assembly maps. Among similar statements it has an astonishingly weak assumption on the group.

Its proof uses the cyclotomic trace map from K-theory to the so called topological cyclic homology TC, which has proven to be a powerful tool also in other K-theory computations. Topological cyclic homology will hence be the main object of study in our seminar. It is at least philosophically related to Connes' cyclic homology. But its construction works not on the level of homological algebra but on the level of spaces (or spectra). The definition involves some unexpected structure which is not visible anymore after passage to homological algebra.

Recently the definition of TC and the cyclotomic trace has been extended to schemes. Therefore the seminar could be appealing to algebraic geometers with an interest in algebraic K-theory.

To get a first impression one should read the introduction of Ib Madsen's survey article [M]. Moreover we highly recommend the notes [R1] of John Rognes, where the construction of topological cyclic homology and the cyclotomic trace is sketched on 14 pages without hiding any technical difficulties.

Marco Varisco - January 26, 2001.