Erweiterte Suche

Oberseminar Topologie, SS 2000

Termin: Mo. 15:00-17:00, Raum SR5

10.04. Algebraic slice knots Arthur Bartels
17.04. Higher order Alexander modules and Blanchfield linking forms Marco Varisco
08.05. Higher order linking forms and solvable representations of the knot group Juliane Jänich
15.05. KK-theory of C^*-categories and the analytic assembly map Paul Mitchener
22.05. Linking forms and Witt invariants as obstructions to solvability I Holger Reich
19.06. L^2-signatures Christian Wegner
10.07. Linking forms and Witt invariants as obstructions to solvability II Thomas Schick
12.07. Non-slice knots: an example Arthur Bartels

Reference:  Cochran, Orr, Teichner, Knot concordance, Whitney towers and L^2-signatures, Preprint 1999.

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