Sonderforschungsbereich Geometrische Strukturen in der Mathematik

Instructional workshop on the noncommutative main conjectures

Münster, April 26 - April 30, 2011

Organizers: J. Coates (Cambridge)
P. Schneider (Münster)
R. Sujatha (Vancouver)
O. Venjakob (Heidelberg)

Scope: The morning sessions will be devoted to a careful exposition of the proof of the main conjecture for totally real fields. This is available in papers by Ritter/Weiss and by Kakde. For pedagogical reasons the lectures will be based on Kakde's paper. In the afternoons we will have individual talks on recent developments in the area.

List of Participants

The lectures start on Tuesday, April 26, at 9 a.m. The workshop will end on Saturday, April 30, at 5 p.m.
A schedule can be found here.

Notes for the instructional lectures are available here


Registration for invited participants (deadline 15.3.2011): registration form .

Registration for other participants (deadline 15.3.2011): registration form .

How to reach us: some information how to get to the Mathematical Institute of the University of Münster.

Here you can find some information about hotels and a city map.

In addition to the funding by the SFB Geometrische Strukturen in der Mathematik the workshop is also supported by the ERC Starting Grant IWASAWA   

Ina Reckermann - March 30, 2011.