Supervision of theses

Here are the titles of the theses that I have supervised and for which I have been/am the first reviewer.

If you would like to know anything about the number of theses for which I have been the second reviewer, please have a look at my German language homepage!

Bielefeld University:

Winter term 2008/09
  1. Bachelor thesis: Solution methods for the Discrete Logarithm Problem

University of Münster:

Summer term 2012
  1. Bachelor thesis: Composition and reduction algorithm for divisors of hyperelliptic curves
  2. Bachelor thesis: Discrete Logarithm, Diffie-Hellman key exchange and AKS algorithm
  3. Bachelor thesis: Public key cryptography: RSA, ElGamal and Rabin encryption
Winter term 2012/13
  1. Bachelor thesis: The MOV algorithm – a decoding method for complex encryption
Summer term 2013
  1. Bachelor thesis: The Poncelet-Steiner Theorem
  2. Bachelor thesis: Solvability of groups und Galois theory
  3. Bachelor thesis: Comparison of different versions of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and an application to graph theory
  4. Bachelor thesis: The fundamental theorem of algebra – complex analytic proofs
  5. Bachelor thesis: Regular polygons' construction – a consideration in mathematical-historical perspective
  6. Bachelor thesis: Group theoretic and geometric considerations of the subgroup lattices of the symmetric groups S3 and S4
Winter term 2013/14
  1. Bachelor thesis: The unsolvability of algebraic equations of degree n≥5 and its reasons based in theory of groups and fields
  2. Bachelor thesis: Non-periodic tilings of the plane by Roger Penrose
  3. Bachelor thesis: Construction of regular polygons
Summer term 2014
  1. Bachelor thesis: Non-euclidean Geometry: Poincaré half-plane model and Beltrami-Klein model
  2. Bachelor thesis: Comparison of Euclidean and Hyperbolic Geometry – Distances, Angles, Areas
Winter term 2014/15
  1. Bachelor thesis: Verification of the hyperbolic axiomatic system in the Poincaré half-plane model
  2. Bachelor thesis: Comparison of reflection groups and Coxeter groups
Summer term 2015
  1. Bachelor thesis: Comparison of wallpaper patterns and reflection groups
  2. Bachelor thesis: Factorisations in non-factorial rings of the form Z[√d]
  3. Bachelor thesis: The SSSA algorithm
  4. Bachelor thesis: Comparison of Hensel's Lemma and Newton's Method
Winter term 2015/16
  1. Bachelor thesis: Pappos's hexagon theorem
  2. Bachelor thesis: Digital Signature Algorithms and their Security
Summer term 2016
  1. Bachelor thesis: Counterexamples to the Hasse Principle – Equations of the form X4−qY4=dZ2
  2. Bachelor thesis: Generation of Elliptic Curves suitable for Cryptography
  3. Bachelor thesis: Prime ideal factorisations in quadratic number fields
  4. Bachelor thesis: The MOV-Algorithm and Applications
  5. Bachelor thesis: Application of the Law of Reciprocity to Diophantine Equations on the Basis of the Theorem by Lind and Reichardt
  6. Bachelor thesis: Separation axioms and connectedness in topological spaces
  7. Bachelor thesis: Cell decompositions of polyhedra
  8. Bachelor thesis: Simplicial homology on simplicial complexes – derivation and application
  9. Bachelor thesis: Quotient spaces and CW complexes: Important operations on both and their effects on the homotopy type
  10. Bachelor thesis: The construction of 4-connected graphs using the example of the concepts "soldering" and "splitting"
  11. Bachelor thesis: Homotopy and construction of the fundamental group as the first homotopy group and applications
Winter term 2016/17
  1. Bachelor thesis: Flows in networks and algorithms to determine maximal flows
  2. Bachelor thesis: Extremal structures in tournaments
  3. Bachelor thesis: Connectedness properties as criteria for topological distinction
Summer term 2017
  1. Bachelor thesis: Five Point Theorem and Intersections of Conics
Winter term 2017/18
  1. Bachelor thesis: 27 lines on a non-singular cubic surface
  2. Bachelor thesis: Noether normalisation and applications: Geometric interpretation and counterexamples over finite fields
  3. Bachelor thesis: Elliptic Curves and the MOV Algorithm
  4. Bachelor thesis: Continuity on normal topological spaces – Urysohn's, Tietze's and Katětov's Theorems
Summer term 2018
  1. Bachelor thesis: Elliptic Curves and the Discrete Logarithm Problem
  2. Bachelor thesis: Schoof's Algorithm and an Application
  3. Bachelor thesis: Construction of regular polygons
Winter term 2018/19
  1. Bachelor thesis: Non periodic tilings in the Euclidean plane
Summer term 2019
  1. Bachelor thesis: The symmetry group and its finite subgroups in three-dimensional space
  2. Bachelor thesis: Gauss's Lemma and connections with Dedekind's Prague Theorem and the Vierzahlensatz as part of the number theory of the Greeks
  3. Bachelor thesis: Hasse-Minkowski Theorem
Winter term 2019/20
  1. Bachelor thesis: Non factorial rings of integers of quadratic number fields and the ideal theory
Summer term 2020
  1. Bachelor thesis: Data Encryption Standard
  2. Bachelor thesis: Efficient computer arithmetic of integers
  3. Bachelor thesis: Plane Cubic Curves, Intersection Numbers and Applications
Winter term 2020/21
  1. Bachelor thesis: Solution methods for the discrete logarithm problem
  2. Bachelor thesis: Elliptic curves over infinite fields, the intersection behaviour with projective lines and addition on elliptic curves
  3. Bachelor thesis: Theory of continued fractions in connection with π
  4. Bachelor thesis: The Lenstra Algorithm for Factoring Positive Integers in Context of Cryptography
Summer term 2021
  1. Bachelor thesis: Schoof's Algorithm and its Application in Cryptography
  2. Bachelor thesis: Elliptic Curves: discriminant, j-invariant, projective line and addition of points
Winter term 2023/24
  1. Bachelor thesis: Hilbert's Nullstellensatz – An analysis of its explanations and applications

Angela Holtmann, last modified: 08.03.2024